1) Can we park next to our campsite to unload our tents and camping gear?
Unfortunately we cannot allow vehicles into the camping area; however the campsite is extremely close to the car park
2) Will there be day tickets available to buy on the gate?
Advance tickets sales only, Teh festival sale sout weeks / montsh in advance
3) What time does the campsite open?
The campsite opens from 10am on the Friday 26th August 2022 and the festival arena opens from 1pm.
4) What is the latest I can buy a ticket?
Unless tickets sell out our ticket vendors will cease selling advance tickets at midday on Saturday 31st July 2022 at the latest, or once all sold.
Watchet LIVE C.I.C reserves the right to remove advance tickets from sale at any date prior without notice.
5) How big is the festival?
Watchet Live is an intimate, small festival that has a warm, friendly, and relaxed feel. We are licensed for an attendance of 5000 people on site which is a major factor in the incredibly safe and welcoming atmosphere.
6) How do I find the festival site?
When you receive your festival ticket via the post all the relevant information you need to get to the festival site is provided; A postcode for the site, which can be used to find us via Google Maps, will be amongst the info. Please take a look at our directions section for more info. The town of Watchet is only a 10 minute walk away with shops, pubs, cafes and a marina. Please take your time to explore our town.
7) Can I bring my own Food and Drink?
If you are camping bringing your own food and drink is permitted, however no food or drink can be brought into the festival arena. The on-site bar is run by the festival at below average pub prices to ensure we keep the festival entrance price as low as possible. All the food vendors on-site have been chosen for giving value for money on all food sold. We ask for no glass bottles etc. are to be brought into the festival camping area, but if you do please ensure that any glass bottles you may have in the camping area are disposed off in the correct recycling bins.
8) Are dogs allowed?
No dogs or pets are allowed on the festival campsite/arena or car park areas,
Watchet Festival is held on a working farm.
9) Are Caravans or Trailer Tents allowed?
Sorry, no caravans or trailer tents are permitted on the festival campsite, Watchet is surrounded by campsites who welcome caravans etc. who are with 1- 2 miles from the festival site. Pre booked campervans only admitted, we cannot accept live-in vehciles or sleeping in cars in the car parks.
10) Are Camp Fires and BBQ’s allowed?
Due to our licensing conditions and land lease agreement no fires are permitted on the festival land.
11) When will my tickets be posted?
All Tickets purchased via the festival website will be posted week commencing 25th July 2022,
All tickets are posted we do not offer E-Tickets in any form
12) Can I Buy/Sell unwanted tickets:
Yes you can but must ensure they are actual physical tickets ( each ticket has a unique number ), its the originals purchasers responsibility to post onto any person(s) that they sell on to, Watchet Live do not offer replacement tickets for any sold on third party lost ticket transactions.
Camping and B&Bs
The festival campsite can accommodate ground tents and a limited number (150) of campervans which are in a separate field, sorry no caravans or trailer tents will be permitted.
Please ensure you purchase your campervan permit in advance as these have sold out very quickly in previous years.
Watchet is surrounded by local campsites and plenty of B&Bs in the area, please note these usually get booked up prior to the event, so we advise to book in advance.
Local Camping/Caravan Sites
Warren Bay Holiday Village* – 01984 631460
A shuttle bus operates from this site daily.
Shuttle bus charge £ 12.00 ( Children £6.00 ) per person for the weekend, £ 5.00 per single day
Blue Anchor Bay* – 01643 821360
Doniford Bay (Haven) – 01984 632423
Home Farm Holiday Park – 01984 632487
St Audries Bay – 01984 632515
Beeches :- 01984 640391
Warren Farm Camping* – 01984 631220
* Tents welcome
Local Guest Houses, Hotels and Holiday Cottages
Watchet and the surrounding area has many Guest Houses, Hotels & Holiday Cottages. For accommodation in the town go to Visit Watchet. When booking please mention on booking you are coming to Watchet for the festival.
Other useful website site links :-
Mobility / Disability
Disabled/Carer Tickets
The deadline for carer ticket applications is June 30th 2022.
Watchet LIVE attempt to offer any Mobility impairment visitor to the festival as much assistance as possible to ensure you enjoy the festival experience, including:
- Flat camping area
- Disabled Parking ( an official Blue Disabled badge must be displayed)
- Disabled Toilets
- Disabled Viewing Platform access.
- Free Carer Ticket* ( T&C’s apply)
Unfortunately and disappointingly we have had to tighten up on this procedure due to “chancers” trying it on last year (2021) abusing our generosity for these tickets.
A weekend ticket needs to purchased by the main person requiring carer assistance. On purchasing a ticket please email a clear scanned proof of the your proof of PIP requirement confirmation a copy and ideally a copy of an Access card /CredAbility card showing the “+ 1” logo along with your booking reference confirmation and once checked and confirmed a carer pass will be allocated to your purchase confirmation by email to us at [email protected] and we will review and advise of the allocation of a carer pass for those eligible.
Carers Tickets*
Unfortunately we have had to tighten up on this procedure due to “chancers” trying it on last year (2021) abusing our generosity for these tickets.
We will offer a carer ticket for a Personal Assistant only if you receive Middle or Higher Rate DLA or the Personal Independence Payment (PIP), are aged 16+ and would not be able to come to the festival without assistance. Proof of allowance and needed assistance will be required.
Carer tickets are not allocated to parent/guardians of children under the age of 16, as all children under 16 attending Watchet Festival must be accompanied by a responsible adult/carer at all times.
How to apply ( Applicatiosn are now closed for this years festival)
A weekend ticket needs to purchased by the main person requiring carer assistance. On purchasing a ticket please email a clear scanned proof of the your proof of PIP requirement confirmation along with and ideally a copy of an Access card /CredAbility card showing the “+ 1” logo , your booking reference confirmation and once checked and confirmed a carer pass will be allocated to your purchase confirmation by email.
If you are staying in a live-in vehicle you are required to purchase a live-in vehicle pitch subject to availability when purchasing your festival ticket (Blue badges must also be displayed on arrival along with a motorhome/campervan or car parking window sticker).
The carer passes are issued by the discretion of the festival and you are required to purchase a car parking/campervan/mobile home pass at the time of purchasing your festival ticket. One free carer ticket is permitted per household, and is strictly for adults (16 years+) with mobility disabilities who purchase a weekend festival ticket.
Carer tickets are non-transferable and cannot be sold and identification of the carer will be requested upon entry.
Issued carer tickets are only valid when arriving with the person being cared for, anyone with a carer ticket who is not with the main ticket holder will be refused entry.
**Please Note – Carer ticket requests are only accepted via advance ticket bookings/requests, we will not issue carer tickets on the entrance gate.
As Watchet LIVE is a family friendly festival children are most welcome, here’s a few tips to ensure your children have an enjoyable time:
– Bring plenty of sunscreen and a sunhat
– Bring waterproofs and wellies for them, just in case!
– A nice snuggly blanket is good to sit on during the day and is great to wrap them up in the evening
– If you are staying overnight or for the weekend, a first aid kit is a must
– Write your mobile number on your child’s arm or white wristband supplied so you can be contacted if they get lost
– Make arrangements within your group of friends for someone to be supervising your children at all times
– If you do lose your child go to the welfare tent situated next to the side fence of the festival site opposite the Udder Stage or speak to a member of staff in the entrance tent who will alert a member of the festival’s Security Team and Youth Welfare Team.
Watchet LIVE have a children’s area with free creative activities, story telling and much more from midday until 6pm on the Saturday and Sunday of the festival.
Crime Prevention
Watchet LIVE has always been a crime-free festival and we want to keep it that way and work closely with Avon and Somerset Constabulary and the local LVA to ensure the festival runs smoothly.
Watchet LIVE’s main aim is to provide their visitors with a fun filled, entertainment packed 3 days for all ages to enjoy. Festival goers return year on year with old friends and leave making lots of new ones after enjoying a safe event with their family.
You can help yourself and the future of Watchet LIVE by adhering to our checklist.
If you are not camping on the festival site, upon leaving each evening please keep the noise to a minimum when you walk home and respect people’s property, homes, and gardens. Please use the litter bins!
Please respect the environment around you – the town, its fixtures & fittings, and people’s homes & gardens.
Do not organise or give your support to musical late night gatherings – they may seem great fun but they can cause a lot of bad feeling for residents who live close to the festival field who may well be trying to sleep. Causing them distress could jeopardise future events.
If you have a loud music system, don’t bring it with you! We have over 60 fabulous artists performing in various venues over the weekend at the festival in a controlled environment – if you want to listen to your own music perhaps you would like to organise your own event!
Use the waste bins not only at the festival site itself but also when visiting the town.
Stealing or interfering with road signs or traffic cones is an offence under the Road Traffic Act 1988 – the festival will have to pay for any loss or damage. If you witness any such behaviour please report it to the police or a member of the festival’s security staff – the police will not hesitate to take legal action.
Lock your vehicles.
Camp with friends or family and get to know your festival neighbours – look out for each others property.
If you do lose anything please report it to a member of festival staff in the entrance tent immediately. All lost property will be held in the site office which is located behind the main entrance.
Wear your wristband at all times; lost ones will not be replaced. If it is too tight or loose return to the entrance tent where a member of the festival staff will replace it.
Mark your property with your name and postcode.
Alcohol policy
Alcohol Policy
We want everyone to enjoy the festival experience at Watchet LIVE.
At Watchet live NO drinks of any description may be brought onto or taken into/or from the licensed festival arena.
The festival runs it own licensed bar selling Real Ale, Ciders, Lagers, Spirits etc. at well below event prices and in line if not lower than average pub prices.
Please leave any drinks that you may have brought with you in your tent or car – any drinks in your possession when entering the site will be confiscated (this is a condition of our license).
For safety reasons NO glass is permitted in the festival arena site.
Please support the festival bar as it provides a wide range of drinks at prices below that of more commercial festivals and are in keeping with other local licensed premises.
Long waking hours, dancing and summer sun will make you thirsty – don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Please know your limits and take care – drugs/alcohol cocktails can be lethal, know your limits and those of your friends.
Watchet LIVE operate the Challenge 25 system and search is a condition of entry.
If you are lucky enough to look younger than what you are please ensure you have I.D. with you.
If you are drunk and causing a problem, you may be arrested – keep your time at the festival fun and don’t over indulge, please consider your fellow festival goers.
Please don’t drive under the influence of drink or drugs at any time.
Take note that if you have been drinking in the evening, it has not necessarily worn off when you wake up in the morning – be safe not sorry!
Drug Policy
The dealing in or use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated by Watchet LIVE.
Drug enforcement laws are as applicable on the festival site and around the town as anywhere else in the country.
Police will be patrolling the festival site as well as the town itself and will deal with drug offences in accordance with national guidelines.
If you deal in drugs, it is likely that you will be arrested.
Any attempted sale of drugs either on the festival arena, car parks, camping areas or the town will result in arrest and the perpetrators will be banned from this and future festivals.
Watchet LIVE has built its reputation on being a family friendly event and will not tolerate anti-social behaviour of any kind at their festival.
Event Policy and SAFETY NOTICE
Due to our licensing conditions and land lease agreement, strictly no open fires are permitted on the festival land.
We do not encourage BBQ’s on site but as in previous years, there will be a communal cooking area on site and you are strongly advised to use this.
However, if you’re planning on using a BBQ, whether it’s a disposable one, gas or charcoal, please make sure you keep yourself safe and don’t put yourself at risk of being poisoned.
Please follow these tips on BBQ safety:
Never take a smouldering or lit BBQ into a tent, caravan or cabin. Even if you have finished cooking your BBQ should remain outside as it will still give off fumes for some hours after use.
Never use a BBQ inside to keep you warm.
Never leave a lit BBQ unattended or alight while sleeping.
Place your cooking area well away from your tent. Always ensure there is an adequate supply of fresh air in the area where the BBQ is being used.
Only use your BBQ in accordance with the operating instructions.
Remember the signs and symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning – headaches, dizziness, breathlessness, nausea, collapse, and loss of consciousness.
If you’re using a gas BBQ or gas camping equipment please use the communal cooking area and follow these extra tips to help you stay safe:
Check that the appliance is in good order, undamaged and that hoses are properly attached and undamaged. If in doubt get the hoses replaced or don’t use it.
Make sure the gas taps are turned off before changing the gas cylinder and do it in the open air.
Never leave a gas container in your tent just in case it is leaking! Carbon Monoixde is silent, and deadly!
Don’t over-tighten joints.
When you have finished cooking, turn off the gas cylinder before you turn off the BBQ controls – this means any gas in the pipeline will be used up.
Read the manufacturer’s instructions about how to check for gas escapes from hoses or pipe work, e.g. brushing leak detection solution around all joints and looking for bubbles.
Never take a gas stove, light or heater into a tent, caravan or cabin.
Please take care this summer and don’t put yourself or your family at risk.
If contacting the festival by either email or social media the following policy/disclaimers apply:
Email Policy and Disclaimer
Please consider the environment before printing any email correspondence.
The information and content in any email sent by from any member of Watchet LIVE CIC in regard to any event held by the group or as a reply to a question or query is intended only for the addressee of the correspondence. Access of the email by anyone else is unauthorised. As the email may contain confidential or privileged information.
Should you receive any correspondence by email and are not the intended recipient, any disclosure, copying, distribution or any action taken or omitted to be taken in reliance on it, is prohibited and may be unlawful. Any threatening or abuse mail received will be dealt with accordingly by reporting to the ISPs, hosting providers, etc. and will follow Abuse Reporting Format (AFR) guidelines.
Any opinions or statements contained in any email sent are expressly those of the individual and not necessarily those of Watchet LIVE Community Interest Company.
Watchet LIVE does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of any message if it has reached you via the Internet, as Internet communications are not secure.
Social Media Policy and Disclaimer
We run social media pages to be an open community where people can discuss all things ‘festival’.
Please note:
“We reserve the right, but assume no obligation, to remove comments/delete messages that are deemed by ‘ourselves’ to be; racist, sexist, abusive, profane, violent, obscene, or are spam; that advocate illegal activity; that contain falsehoods or that are libel, incite, threaten or make ad hominem attacks on others.
We also reserve the right to delete posts and ban individuals found to be breaching this policy, from the relevant page(s).
We do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial, political, or other ventures. These posts/comments will be deleted immediately.
People who share content on this page retain the rights to their content. So first, please make sure that what you’re sharing is yours to share in the first place. If you share your own copyrighted content, you retain the right to that content. If we discover that you are posting content that is copyrighted by someone else without permission, we’ll remove that content.
We encourage all users to utilize the “Report” links when you find abusive content or other content that violates these guidelines.
We do not want to be heavy handed and be forced into excluding anyone, however, we do want these pages, and private messages sent to the admins, to be spam and insult free.
As well as using and posting our own content we do search the internet for material. Please note that any copyright infringements are unintentional so if any material used on this site does infringe copyright then please contact us.
Finally, we reserve the right to change the terms of use at any time.”